that no funds appropriated

Since FY2020, Congress has directed that no funds appropriated for the Department of State, foreign operations, and related programs “should” be used by the Export-Import bank to support nuclear exports to Saudi Arabia until the kingdom has a 123 agreement “in effect”; “has committed torenounce uranium enrichment and reprocessing on its t

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terminate nuclear cooperation

The 2009 U.S.-UAE 123 agreement provides the United States the right to terminate nuclear cooperation with that country if the UAE “possesses sensitive nuclear facilities within its territory or otherwise engages in activities within its territory relating to enrichment of uranium or reprocessing of nuclear fuel.” An Agreed Minute states that i

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Saudi authorities have worked

Saudi authorities have worked to develop required legal and regulatory frameworks with the support of the IAEA. Agency officials completed a nuclear infrastructure review in Saudi Arabia in 2018 and issued a final report in January 2019. The kingdom established a Nuclear and Radiological Regulatory Commission in March 2018, and, in March 2022, crea

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